Monday, December 17, 2007

fun at the depot

Alright, so maybe it wasn't the ideal day to go and grab a tree, what with the 30 mph winds and all, but we braved the elements, took a drive to Home Depot and landed a cute little number that seems perfect for our place. Herman, our ornament (don't call him "oriental," please) penguin buddy, has assumed his position toward the top of the tree, located for ideal viewing of the adjacent TV, and we seem pretty well set for the holidays. Yes, Kate will be devastated when she piles up present after present for me and she's left to look at dead space under Herman for herself, but that's just something she'll have to get over. If she has any luck, maybe I'll throw a Kit Kat bar in her stocking. Or not. We'll see how the balance of the week plays out.

Much, of course, will depend on how Veiled Reference gets on in her next affair down in Charles Town. We're still shooting for that stakes race toward the end of the week (this Saturday, 12/22). She had her final breeze in preparation on Saturday at Fair Hill and laid down a fairly serious 5/8ths move in something like 1.02 and change. Times, of course, are all relative. Tim worked her himself and he's reported to really pile on the weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so the final time probably doesn't do her move justice. I spoke to him afterwards and he was pleased enough, so she must have gotten around there in good form. We'll see where we are with that race toward the middle of the week. If she goes, we'll have a perfect excuse to make another DC run and hook up with my brothers.

Nautical Agent is doing well down at Overbrook Farm in Colts Neck. She continues to take everything in stride, just as she always has, and has responded well to her initial treatment. If she keeps on like this, we'll figure out shipping plans for her in the new year. In all likelihood, she'd head to a farm/clinic for additional recovery before getting situated somewhere for the balance of the year. She is an absolute sweetheart, so I don't think we'll have too much trouble finding caretakers once she's bounced back from the injury.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on Nautical Agnet. Hoping she is still doing well.

Sean said...

Sure thing. I spoke to Doug Nunn just yesterday and we agreed that she'll ship next week to Ponderosa Farms, a local farm in Colts Neck. She'll hang out there for a few months before we x-ray the leg again to see how it is. Should be nice and quiet for her there. Thanks for keeping her in mind.