Saturday, September 22, 2007

make it rain

All fine with Nautical Agent coming out of her win on Thursday. She probably thinks she's hot stuff now. I was talking with a few folks about how funny it is that she seems to get over this Finger Lakes course. It seems that horses either love it or hate it, and she's one that takes to it well. No sense messing around with a good thing, so she'll stay put in NY and wait for an appropriate spot in a few weeks. We were out on the town to celebrate last night, making it rain $100 bills at every stop. Okay, it was quarters we were throwing at unsuspecting bar patrons, but our enthusiasm was the same.

Tim Woolley had a big win out in western PA last night. Who's Happy won one of the restricted PA-bred stakes going two turns. Win certainly more than makes up for the seven hour van ride out. We'll take a hard look at PA-breds at these sales coming up. The statebred program there is strong, racing calendar essentially year-round and the ship from Fair Hill in MD is no problem.

Based on her work pattern to date, Mass Romantic was likely to breeze again this morning, but her schedule will depend on how Tim did getting back from his road trip. She'll go one way or the other over the next few days and should be maybe one work away after this one before we shop for a spot. We just missed a logical one in the book for 9/26, so we might have to get creative if the racing office doesn't throw something up on the overnight that fits. Preference is to start back on turf, but if that won't fly, we'll come up with Plan B.

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