Sunday, April 20, 2008

chirp, chirp

Sorry for the disappearing act over the last few weeks. It's been busy planning the move to Baltimore, showing the house and preparing for Kate's birthday. Every year, she insists that I top the previous year's celebration, so it's getting harder and harder to make magic. Last year, I had Siegfried and Roy put on a comeback performance to celebrate the occasion, but now I've used the big comeback card and need to branch out in new directions. I'm thinking of maybe casting my body in a solid gold statue, but that might be a bit over the top. I know, you'd think that it can't get much more OTT than the boys from Las Vegas, but it's a fine line. We'll see what I can cook up.

Horses are doing okay. Not too much to report that's new or different. Still sorting out a breeding plan for Nautical Agent and Veiled Reference putting her time in on the farm before a return. All reports indicate that both are well, but I'll be happier once I have the former in foal and the latter back in training. Two-year old in training sale at Timonium is coming up in a few weeks, so I'll have that to sort through soon enough. We bought a good one in Pretty Partisan down there a few years ago, and have tabbed a few others that have done okay, too, so I always like to work that sale over pretty hard. Now that I know a few more spots in Baltimore, I'll know where to hit up for dinner once the sales stuff has wrapped up. We were down over the weekend and had some fiiiine crabcakes at a place down by the water. I could get used to that kind of living, man, I will say that.

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