Monday, March 3, 2008

looking good

Got word over the weekend that Nautical Agent's x-rays came back looking good. The fracture has healed up nicely and the leg is on its way to a full recovery. Doug Nunn was especially pleased that the exterior of the leg has taken the trauma w/o as much of a sign of the injury. A lot of times you'll see these huge knots, twists and turns afterwards, but she's well enough that she can still fall back on a career in leg modeling. Like a lot of the top models, her diva ways will get her in trouble eventually, but with legs like hers, most folks in the business will put up with her anctics. When she demands her apples w/ a smear of peanut butter, she'll get 'em. Plan is to give her another 30 days before sorting out breeding plans for the season. Doug and I still have to kick a few things around. Good to know that she's doing so well and giving us options.

We're shooting to get our palace of a home up on the market this weekend, so it's been a zoo doing the bunch of projects and sorting through a lot of stuff. For anyone entertaining the idea of selling within, say, the next decade, do yourself a favor and start some serious cleaning/expunging right about now. I'll get some shots up of the finished product, but I thought you might enjoy a picture of our kitchen table from just the other day. You'll notice the Oreos right under that wooden bowl on the right. I keep those at the ready to sustain Kate's work on various projects, like grouting and caulking in the bathrooms. When I hear her body hit the floor in one of the upstairs bathrooms, I mute the television, put down my beer and run up there with two or three cookies to revive her. Then, if that doesn't do the trick, it's back down the stairs for the hammer. Fortunately, the only time it came to that she came to just before my return, but I was still annoyed to have had to make the two trips up and down. I know, I know, just keep the hammer upstairs. It's on the To Do list.

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