Monday, January 21, 2008

turnpike bound

Veiled Reference was back on the work tab this past weekend, breezing an easy half in 49 2/5 on her own. Tim said that she went well within herself and should be ready for more serious work next weekend. I think we've managed to settle on a tentative target for her in a few weeks: The Glory in Motion, a $65,000 overnight stakes at Aqueduct for 3yo fillies at 1m 70yds on Sunday, February 3rd. Depending on how it comes together, it should be a pretty decent spot for her. If we can get her stakes placed in NY, even in an overnight number like this one, it only helps her value as a broodmare prospect. We'll get her going longer, anyway, which is good and we'll see how she stacks up against some of the fillies racing out of New York. The best part will be the local yokels wondering how some mountain-dwellers out of West Virginia came up with the brilliant idea of shipping to the big city. We'll just say we done did got lost with our horse trailer and decided to stick around and run.

Details to be firmed up as the date draws closer. I think nominations are due next week. If she does anything on the day, we'll break out the good stuff at the Super Bowl Party. No dice and it's probably stale pretzels, Kool Aid made from the packet and Eli Manning faces all around. Let's think positive thoughts in the meantime...

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