Friday, July 18, 2008

we're walking, we're walking

Snuck up to Fair Hill this morning to meet up with my parents and pay a visit to Veiled Reference. She looked really good and has matured nicely as a three year old. Perhaps she's a bit too proud of her big belly these days, but that can be sorted out once she's started back in training (next week, I hope). You can check out her out, big bellzer and all, in the video above. Note how she longs for the extra camera time before heading back into the barn. "No, wait, we can take another take! I'm free all day! Call me!" Folks at Tim's barn were kind to have us, and were somehow getting through the morning despite the unbearable heat. I might have gone too far when I asked around for a glass of ice water with lemon; I took all the shaking heads to mean that they were fresh out. Garden hose did the trick, no problem.

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