Ok, water cooler break over, I'm back at my station. Will spare you revisiting of my earlier posts on economic collapse (still think that stimulus was big enough?), and stick to the horses. Pic above of Nautical Agent's 2010 yearling (Disco Rico) just before getting on a van to South Carolina. She's a work in progress, but has some things going for her (good shoulder, covers some ground), which is all you can ask for at this stage of the game. Her older sister, Report Back (Gold Fever), is doing well, trying her best to fund the holidays here. Their younger brother, also by Disco Rico, is still in NY, living the charmed life of a weanling, filling his hours with play and good eats. That's him below as a baby, baby with Nautical Agent. Have to hunt around for some more recent pics. Mom is well, up to her usual tricks. Certainly as sweet as ever.

Veiled Reference still to the good, as well. Her Alphabet Soup weanling filly looks the part, and she's carrying another foal by the stud, due in April or May of next year. Baby shower plans to come together after the holidays, I think.