Monday, March 8, 2010


Yep, the troops went for the proverbial last cigarette rather than come up with anything that might actually address fundamental challenges facing the industry. Like, how do we move toward more racing dates, and more horses bred in state? I know, let's cut dates instead and hand out over-inflated checks to Todd Pletcher. You don't think the NYRA crowd isn't making it clear to NY outfits that they'll have to play nice if they want to partake in the slots fun when Cuomo takes office? Those conversations aren't happening? Was really too easy for Christie; he gets the one-time pop in numbers at MP; racing officials buy another year; Atlantic City interests are satisfied (both dodging the slots issue AND helping w/ final nails in racing's coffin). The shame is that NJ horsemen were only too happy to take the one time shot of cash with little to regard to long-term consequences. "Great, let me ship my mares down to NJ to foal! Oh, wait, umm, guys? What's the plan for 2011, 2012, and 2013? Anything? Guys?"

Don't worry, folks, we have everything under control here.